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Here is the stable megaglest 3.3.3:
To see more screenshots click on the picture!

Whats new in megaglest?
Version 3.3.3:
- Font size adjustment can be set in the ingame options.
- Font colors can be toggled while playing using the 'C'-key.
- Bugfix for windows, ingame options can change resolutions now.
- Font Helvetica is used for linux and font Verdana is used for windows
- Fontsizes can be set very detailed in glest.ini
- Fixed glest.ini
Version 3.3.2:
- Changed windows version to use SDL and also added support for OpenAL sound
(DirectSound is still the default)
- Sound issues for windows users are related to a bad dsound.dll in the
mega-glest folder. Delete this file as it is not required since DirectX should
already be installed on your Windows installation.
- Textures may now be in any of the following formats (tga, bmp, jpg and png)
- Scenarios, Techs and Factions all allow for a custom 'loading' page when
starting a game. Mega-Glest will look for a file called: loading_screen.*
where .* is any supported graphic file type (tga, bmp, jpg and png). The
priority is first in the scenario folder (if loading a scenario) if not found
it looks in the faction root folder and if not found it will look in the tech
- Screen Resolutions can be changed in the ingame options menu now
- Added a LAN game auto-discovery feature. Clients may click the 'Find LAN Games'
button to search on your local network for another Computer hosting a
Mega-Glest game (a server).
- Mega-Glest now actually uses the ServerPort setting in the glest.ini
(the default port for glest is 61357)
- Added a read-only display ofthe configured Server Port # when joining a network
- Added the ability to configure Fog of War per game session.
- Fully working Photo Mode where you may take good photos of your mega-glest
game / mao scenario by setting the value in glest.ini:
- Added the ability to use a playername instead of the hostname when playing
in a network game. Goto the options area (Options button on main screen)
and type your custom playername into the Network Player Name edit box.
- Added the ability to rotate units when creating a unit (before placing it)
by pressing the R key (for rotate)
- Added camera zoom in/ out (like in GAE) by using the scroll wheel on your
scroll mouse
- Added MANY new configurable items in glest.ini (some are optional and may not
be in the ini file. Most options are described when you run the configurator
- Added the ability to run Glest full screen on multiple monitors
(currently linux only) via the two settings in glest.ini:
- Users may now save all user created context in their own customer folder using
the glest.ini setting:
where mydata is a folder under the current glest folder. You may use ANY path
in this setting.
- Glest allows users to specify a special folder to read / write the ini and log
files. To do this set an environment variable with the name:
- When experiencing problems, users may enable debugging to a logfile using the
following glest.ini settings:
This will log all debug information to a file in the glest folder called
- fixed a bug with not calling
to running out of consumable ressources like food
- fixed the bug which lets you loose the active command if one of your unit dies.
This was the problem that made it very hard to build buildings when you are in
a battle for example.
- When a AI is disable for a faction in a scenario this faction doesn't consume
consumable ressources like food any more.
Version 3.3.1:
- fixed a bug with network consistency checks ( it wasn't completly active any more in 3.3.0 )
- network consistency checks are reported more user friendly (on server and client )
- all network related errors should be handled with a dialog and doesn't crash glest any more.
Version 3.3.0:
- New multiplayer version of megaglest! It should be much more stable now
and less choppy than original glest !
- New disconnect messages and chat in connect menu .....
- Now with several particles for every skill!
- black particles!
- Fire with smoke for every "burnable" unit ( even walking/flying ones )
- 8 player support
- Individual particle systems for damage indication
- More particles everywhere in the data
- New snow
- Ingame option to switch off all the new particles ( for slow machines )
- Morphing ground units to flying units
- Damage-all switch in splash definition works now
- Linux editor/g3dviewer/configurator are working and part of the linux
distribution too now
- New maps
- New tileset scrubland
- Editor with lots of comfort functions and 8 player (*.mgm) support.
The editor includes things like undo/redo, brush copy , mouseover display now
since Version 3.2.3:
- Only needed factions are loaded ( thanks silnarm ).
- a weeker CPU player was added for real beginners
- two new CPU players were added ( CPU-Mega and CPU-Easy )
- much much more data compared to glest ( factions/maps/tilesets ...)